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Summer Fishing and Wild Trout

We have slipped into the summer slide of trout fishing.  Fishing is good with terrestrials and midges.  On a recent trip to Western Maryland, the trout were hungry but very selective.  Still managed to hook several wild fish, just had to work a little more to get them.  That seems to be the trend across MD this summer.  With low flows and crystal clear water, stealth and an accurate presentation is key in landing a wary trout.  Try small caddis emergers behind a yellow bodied hopper or and orange beetle.

Try fishing hoppers or beetles with a dropper midge or caddis emerger to tease the fish to the surface.  Sometimes, an aggressively stripped wooly bugger or other streamer thru the pocket water will entice a reactive strike.  The key is to try new things and fish the “fishy” water to get the strike.


Give us call at 443-567-0663 or email at to book a class or guided trip.  The fall season is a great time to get introduced to sport of flyfishing.

Tight Lines!!!


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